Friday, March 28, 2014

week 08. spring break, my memory.

I took Spring Break to step away from the project + focus on my own creation of memories. I explored Colorado out by myself, often taking to the road, blasting music + driving without a purpose, without knowledge of where I was going—I let go + drove.

I left the MO later than I wanted on Saturday, but drove with the windows down through the eerily flat state of Kansas. It was the first time in my short history of driving that I wanted to stop + questioned if I would make it there.

The second night I was there I checked into my hotel + settled in, hopped into my car and drove as the sun set and I was left with these vividly blue visuals.

After that night, if I went traveling by daylight I saw beautiful mountains and nature.

The last AnnaSights of the trip. The last bits of nature in its raw form and 9+ hours of solo thinking driving.

I thought a lot more about the way that I was sharing my trip experience with different ages and background of people in different formats. 

I was: 
texting my mom every time I stopped to gas up the car or I got hungry.
posting images to Instagram.
sending images via text.
verbally telling my classmates.
digitally writing/sending messages via email or online chat.
snap chatting images or small video clips that would disappear after 24 hrs either to people or to "my story."
tweeting snippets of thoughts or overheard statements.
uploaded an album of images to Facebook.
and of course the whole mental keeping of it all.

And I started to question what the truest way to represent that trip, that memory, that event was. Or did I really want to create something that felt like what I experienced + not focus on the set facts, order of images, videos, etc. What is more important in an event? The specific set up of the day and how it works out? How you felt or what it seemed like, via comparisons? Or both? Or something completely different?

I thought what if we could bring in all of that content from other accounts, as well as upload new information. Also, I found this article Your memory is no video camera: It edits the past with present experiences and I further pondered on memory, experience + connection.

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